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What is Supportive Care?

At New England Cancer Specialists, our Supportive Care program is designed to help patients live as well and as fully as possible while facing a cancer diagnosis. Whether you are starting treatment, undergoing therapy, or transitioning to survivorship, our supportive care services are here to help you.

How Can Supportive Care Help Me?

Our team of specially trained clinicians, including doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, and social workers, work with your oncology team to provide comprehensive care. We help improve your quality of life by addressing various needs, including:

  • Pain Management: Helping you manage and reduce pain.
  • Fatigue: Finding ways to boost your energy.
  • Anxiety: Providing support to reduce stress and worry.
  • Difficulty Breathing: Assisting with breathing problems.
  • Poor Appetite: Helping you maintain a healthy diet.
  • Nausea: Managing nausea and other treatment-related symptoms.

We also assist with understanding treatment options, making medical decisions, and completing advance care planning documents to ensure your wishes are respected.

Why Did My Oncologist Refer Me to a Supportive Care Specialist?

Your oncology team wants you to have additional support to help reduce symptoms, anxiety, and stress. Patients who have their pain and symptoms managed and emotional needs addressed often have a better experience with their medical care.

Will My Treatment Change If Supportive Care is Involved?

No, your treatment will not change. Supportive care clinicians work directly with your oncology team. The services provided are in addition to the treatment plan established by your oncologist, offering an extra layer of support.

When is the Right Time to Involve Supportive Care?

Patients benefit from supportive care at any time during their cancer treatment. However, it is most beneficial when connected to supportive care early in the illness, often at the time of diagnosis.

How Do I Access Supportive Care Services?

As a patient at NECS, you can ask any member of your oncology team for a referral. An appointment can be made either in person or through telemedicine.

Does Insurance Cover Supportive Care?

Most insurance plans, including Medicare and Medicaid, cover supportive care services. If cost is a concern, please speak with one of our financial advocates for assistance.

At New England Cancer Specialists, we are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for our patients throughout their cancer journey. Our Supportive Care program is an integral part of our commitment to empowering you to thrive beyond cancer. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact your oncology team today.

Supportive Care Physicians

Supportive Care Team Members

Financial Advocacy

Patient Support

Financial Advocates

If you are experiencing financial distress due to treatment costs or the inability to work, we want you to know that we offer financial advocates who are here to help. Our advocates can assist you in finding resources and support through various third-party organizations, ensuring you have access to the financial assistance you need during this challenging time. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team for guidance and support.